Transparency policy
Law Decree August 8, 2013, n. 91. Urgent measures for the protection, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, cultural activities and tourism. (13G00135) Official Gazette (OG) n. 186 of August 8, 2013. Coming into force of the disposition: 10/08/2013. Law Decree converted with modifications by Law October 7, 2013, n. 112 (in OG 8/10/2013, n. 236).
ANNO 2023
Regione Veneto - € 12.000 - Tipologia: contributo per Festival
Ministero della Cultura - DG Cinema - € 15.000 - Tipologia: contributo per Festival
Comune di Bosco Chiesanuova - € 11.000 - Tipologia: contributo per Festival
Provincia di Verona - Europe Direct - € 3.000 - Tipologia: contributo per premio Lessinia d'Argento
ANNO 2024
Regione Veneto - € 12.000 - Tipologia: contributo per Festival
Comune di Bosco Chiesanuova - € 16.500 - Tipologia: contributo per Festival
Provincia di Verona - Europe Direct - € 3.000 - Tipologia: contributo per premio Lessinia d'Argento
Parco Naturale Regionale della Lessinia - € 5.000 - Tipologia: contributo per Festival
Renato Cremonesi (President)
Fee: honorary participation Art. 6 D.L. 78/2010 (converted L. 122/2010)
No attendance fee provided.
Date of the election: 11/12/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Vito Massalongo (Vice president)
Fee: honorary participation Art. 6 D.L. 78/2010 (converted L. 122/2010)
No attendance fee provided.
Date of the election: 28/12/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Nadia Massella (Secretary)
Fee: honorary participation Art. 6 D.L. 78/2010 (converted L. 122/2010)
No attendance fee provided.
Date of the election: 29/05/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Nicola Moro (Councillor)
Fee: honorary participation Art. 6 D.L. 78/2010 (converted L. 122/2010)
No attendance fee provided.
Date of the election: 28/12/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Pierangelo Marchesini (Councillor)
Fee: honorary participation Art. 6 D.L. 78/2010 (converted L. 122/2010)
No attendance fee provided.
Date of the election: 28/12/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Mariagrazia Felicita Bregoli (Councillor)
Fee: honorary participation Art. 6 D.L. 78/2010 (converted L. 122/2010)
No attendance fee provided.
Date of the election: 28/12/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Ezio Bonomi (Councillor)
Fee: honorary participation Art. 6 D.L. 78/2010 (converted L. 122/2010)
No attendance fee provided.
Date of the election: 28/12/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Alessandro Anderloni
Date of the election: 29/05/2021. Term of office: 3 years.
Gross annual salary: € 7.320
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