The 31st edition of the Film Festival della Lessinia will be held in Bosco Chiesanuova (Verona - Italy) and online from 22 to 31 August 2025.
Art. 2
The theme of the Film Festival della Lessinia is: mountain life, history and traditions.
Art. 3
Accepted for consideration will be films and videos (feature films, short films, documentaries, animated films) that represent, enhance and promote knowledge of the social, linguistic, human, economic, environmental, naturalistic, historical and artistic realities of the mountains, as well as the traditions and customs of the people who live there. Films with themes of sports or mountaineering are excluded.
Film entry deadline: 30 April 2025
Art. 4
The programme of the 31st edition of the Film Festival della Lessinia will be divided into the following sections:
- International competition
- FFDLgreen - Films dedicated to environmental issues, sustainable practices and climate transformations of Planet Earth
- Italian Mountains - Films of any genre and format dedicated to the Italian mountainous areas
- FFDL+ - Films dedicated to children and adolescents;
Art. 5
Admission of works to the Festival is determined by a selection committee that takes into account the content and artistic value of the works and the maximum number of hours of screening in the Festival program; their decisions are final and indisputable. Works lacking sufficient technical qualities, those mainly of an advertising or promotional nature, and those not corresponding to the theme of the Festival may be excluded from the competition. The following works will be excluded:
- those having themes of sports or mountaineering;
- those produced before the year 2023;
- those presented in previous editions of the Film Festival della Lessinia;
- those submitted using the entry form after the closing date of 30 April 2025.
The Festival reserves the right to accept other works out of competition, regardless of their content and year of production.
Art. 6
For works admitted to the Festival, please note the following list of requirements:
- acceptance of the regulations, undersigned by the entitled parties;
- .str file in English with time-code referred to the projection copy for translations;
- dialogue list in the original language (if available);
- a copy of the film in the international version (without subtitles) in ProRes file format, or a screening copy with subtitles in Italian (if available), in ProRes file format;
- a copy of the film in the English version (with English subtitles) in DCP or ProRes file format; synopsis of the film and bio-filmography of the director(s) (file .pdf);
- synopsis of the film and bio-filmography of the director(s) (file .pdf);
- three stills from the film (minimum 300dpi);
- a portrait of the director(s) (minimum 300dpi);
- trailer, press kit, poster and any other available promotional and informational materials.
Art. 7
For the competitions, an international jury, whose members will be announced at the beginning of the Festival, will assign, at its sole discretion, the following official prizes:
- Lessinia Gold for the best film overall
€ 5.000 granted by Comune di Bosco Chiesanuova - Lessinia Silver for the best long film
€ 3.000 granted by Province of Verona - Europe Direct - Lessinia Silver for the best short film
€ 1.500 - Jury Prize
Independent juries will assign the following special prizes to all the works admitted to the official selection:
- Prize Italian Mountains for the best film in the Italian Mountains section - € 1.500 granted by Cassa Rurale Vallagarina
- Future Award for the best film by a young director - € 1.000 granted by Curatorium Cimbricum Veronense in memory of Piero Piazzola and Mario Pigozzi
- Green Planet Movie Award for the best film in the FFDLgreen section - € 1.000 granted by MyPlanet 2050
- Lessinia Park Award for the best film that investigates the relationship between Man and the mountain environment - € 1.000 granted by the Parco Naturale Regionale della Lessinia
- Prize MicroCosmo from the jury of inmates of the Verona prison
- Prize from the public through in-theatre voting
- Prize from the children through in-theatre voting
All the prizes will be awarded to the principal author of the work. A given film may win multiple special prizes.
The cash prizes will be paid to those entitled starting from 1 December 2025.
The directors, producers or holders of the rights to the works admitted to the Festival authorize the Film Festival della Lessinia to:
- transmit the work on the TVOD platform until three days after the end of the festival for all spectators who connect from the Italian territory. The FFDL+ films will not be transmitted on TVOD;
- translate the title in Italian;
- broadcast on national and international television networks extracts from films of a maximum duration of 3 min for each work, exclusively for the promotion of the Festival;
- make available for consultation on the Festival’s web channels a trailer or extract of a maximum duration of 3 min for each work;
- keep a digital copy of the works in their historical archive;
- screen the film a second time during the Festival should it win a prize;
- carry out screenings at times other than during the Festival, if an agreement is reached with the rights holders.
The Festival reserves the right to affix its logo and to create subtitles for the video extracts of the works.
Art. 9
The directors, producers or in any case the rights holders authorize the publication of their data on the website and in the catalogue of the Film Festival della Lessinia and their possible dissemination to the press for promotional purposes, as well as registration to the Festival mailing list according to the law.
Art. 10
Information: pursuant to and for the effects of DGL 196/2003 on the processing of personal data, we inform you that the data entered will be treated in full compliance with the law and will not be disclosed or communicated to third parties. The communication of email addresses expresses consent to the processing of data by outsiders for the sole purpose of receiving information relating to the Film Festival della Lessinia and its initiatives.