


The Film Festival della Lessinia is a partner in the project "SIL - Summer in Lessinia", a program of cultural activities taking place in Lessinia, between the provinces of Trento, Verona and Vicenza. 

SIL is developed within the framework of MOU - Narrazioni di una Montagna Comune, a narrative project whose objective is to build a process of collective construction of the meanings, stories and perspectives of the various communities that live in Lessinia. SIL aims to activate people and places in the creation of a new imaginary capable of laying the roots of a local development based on culture and art. The project leader is the association Infiorescenze APS. 

The Film Festival della Lessinia will be present with three open-air screenings

23 July 2021, ZUMIRIKI by Oskar Alegria

24 July 2021, NOCI SONANTI by Damiano Giacomelli and Lorenzo Ramponi

25 July 2021, LUNANA: A YAK IN THE CLASSROOM by Pawo Choyning Dirji, best film overall at the 26.FFDL

See the full program on www.summerinlessinia.com

Elenco Completo