Kazakistan / 2013 / 95 min / Colour
Little Yerken is an unlucky child. After the death of his mother and abandonment by his father and brother, no one remained to take care of him. He spends his days at school, caring for animals, and making clay bricks, clashing constantly with a corrupt world of adults who don’t want to take him seriously. When his older brother, Aidos, returns home, Yerken believes he at last has a family again. But Aidos is distant and opportunistic and once more abandons Yerken, after just a few days. In spite of it all, Yerken never gives up hope. This is a delicate story of dignity, tenderness, and strength of character.
Serik Aprymov
Born in 1960 in the village of Aksuat, in northern Kazakhstan, he earned a diploma in Almaty and then studied film at the VGIK in Moscow. He made his first film, Kijan (Last Stop), in 1992. With Aksut he participated in the 1999 Berlinale, where he returned in 2000 with Three Brothers. In 2003 his film, The Hunter, was screened in the special Camera d’Or section of the Cannes Festival.
Subject Serik AprymovScreenplay Serik AprymovCinematography Alexander RubanovSound Andrey VlaznevEditing Silvan KutandinMusic Myrzali ZhienbayevProducer Serik AprymovProduction company All Rights Entertainment