Sebastián Sepúlveda / Argentina, Chile, France / 2013 / 83 min / Colour
Based on an event that actually occurred in 1974, the film narrates the story of three sisters, Justa, Lucia, and Luciana Quispe, who lead a solitary life in the high mountains of Chile. They raise goats, and their repetitive days in the grandiose and unsettling panorama of the mountains are marked by silence and nearly total remove from the rest of the world. A visitor brings word of a new law that could upset their way of life. This new fact will fracture their equilibrium, lead them to question their very existence, and drag them inexorably toward a tragic end.
Sebastián Sepúlveda
Born in Conceptión in 1972, after living in Europe and South America, he returned to Chile in 1990. He studied editing at San Antonio de Los Baños in Cuba and screenwriting at Fémis in Paris. He works as a screenwriter and editor. In 2008 he directed the documentary, El Arenal. Las niñas Quispe is his first feature film.
Language Spanish Screenplay Sebastián SepúlvedaCinematography Inti BrionesEditing Santiago OtherguyMain cast Digna Quispe, Catalina Saavedra, Francisca GavilánProducer Juan de Dios Larrain, Pablo LarrainProduction company Swipe Films