Bruno Zanzottera / Italy / 2024 / 36 min / Colour

Alice and Fabio are a young couple who have decided to live in a caravan as nomadic shepherds of the 21st century. In the summer they move with their thousand sheep through the pastures of the Dolomites, but when the weather starts to get cold they take their flock to the Po Valley. "Where there are sheep there is home," they say, moving every day between the countryside and the villages, looking for leftovers from the harvest in unused fields and carving out a space for social contacts, but only for those who value them. A year ago, Alice and Fabio had a baby, Martin, and their life has been enriched by new challenges. In addition to caring for the baby, the two now alternate feeding and vaccinating the lambs, singing lullabies to the sheep and sheepdogs. Through interviews, despite the difficulties it entails, they narrate the transhumance with passion, making their profession a way of life.

  • Bruno Zanzottera

    Bruno Zanzottera

    A photographer and journalist, born in Monza in 1957, he specializes in social, ethnographic and geographical reportage. His first photographic report in Africa in 1979 combined his passions: the camera and travel. In 2007 he was among the co-founders of the photojournalistic agency Parallelozero. He collaborates with geographical and travel magazines such as Geo, Focus, Airone, Luoghi dell'Infinito, and Itinerari e luoghi.


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