Agnès Varda / France / 1985 / 100 min / Colour

A young girl is found dead, probably from the cold, on the side of the road. What happened to her? Who is she? The film begins like this, reconstructing with various flashbacks the last two months of the life of the “vagabond” Mona. It is above all the people who crossed her path who tell us something more about her: among others, a shepherd with philosophical ambitions, a very poor and very generous Tunisian worker, a researcher, a mechanic, and a maid. For them as for us, Mona remains a foreigner who keeps her distance, a flâneuse of the countryside entrenched in her indecipherable solitude. With frank realism Varda gives life to a character who is an ode to wandering.

  • Agnès Varda

    Agnès Varda

    A Belgian director, screenwriter, documentary maker and photographer, considered one of the pioneers of the Nouvelle Vague, she made her debut with La pointe courte (1954). In 1961 she directed Cléo de 5 à 7. With Le bonheur (1965) she was awarded at the Berlin International Film Festival. In 1983 she was a member of the jury at the Venice Film Festival. Sans toit ni loi (1985) won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. Honored with the César Award in 2005, she was the first female director to receive the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement in 2017.


Subject Agnès VardaScreenplay Agnès VardaCinematography Patrick BlossierEditing Patricia Mazuy, Agnès VardaMusic Joanna BruzdowiczMain cast Sandrine Bonnaire, Setti Ramdane, Francis Balchère, Macha Méril, Yolande MoreauProduction company Oury Milshtein, Cine-Tamaris, Film a 2


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