Of men and rivers

After the day dedicated to the memory of Vajont, the Festival screened two films in which it is once again water that decides the fate of men. In “Fishing in an Invisible Lake” we viewed the disaster caused by the exploitation of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, which give life to the Aral Sea. The absence of water has completely changed the life of the few remaining fisherman.
In “Rio la Venta. A Canyon Between Two Oceans”, the river and the waters that flow into it are shown to be a force capable of carving into the Chiapas Mountains and creating between them “the Silk Road of Mesoamerica”.
The theme of the river will be recur again today with “A Tribute to the Sile” screened at 5:00 pm in the Sala Olimpica of the Teatro Vittoria