Growing with the mountain, Alexandre (Alexandre, fils de berger) is twelve years old, but has in his look and in the strength of his young arms the determination and the awareness of an adult shepherd. It is what he dreams, taking care of his sheep in the immensity of the Alpine landscape. Other landscapes, same grandiosity, those are what act as a background to Lefa, Senate, Retabil, and Mosaku’s doubts (Coming of Age), in front of their future in the mountains or towards the unknown, to go study in the city. Growing up, like the Festival and its spectators who, in this edition like never before, crowd the Piazza and the theatre. The desire to travel grows. Aldo Ottaviani and Giuseppe Sandrini’s story tells about a round trip to Tibet (Tibet e ritorno, published by Alba Pratalia). Images outside and inside time. Anna Cavarero and Andrea Rodighiero, from the University of Verona, open and close the meeting that marks the beginning of the collaboration between the Film Festival della Lessinia and the University of Verona. Growing.
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