Higher words

Parole alte: the meetings of the Film Festival della Lessinia, every day at 5 pm in the Sala Olimpica of the Teatro Vittoria. The program will be opened by the writer Enrico Camanni on Sunday, August 23rd, with the presentation of his work Il fuoco e il gelo (published by Laterza), and by la Grande Guerra sulle Alpi, with the special appearance of singer and songwriter Massimo Bubola. Alpinist Fausto De Stefani will be back at the Film Festival della Lessinia on Monday, August 24th, to narrate the forgotten tragedy of the Nepal earthquake, with images and videos from his recent journey in those lands. Tuesday, August 25th, Laura Zanetti will recount her Valsugana, with presentation of Partivamo a Marzo (published by Cierre). Tibet e ritorno, Filosofie dell’ altezza is the title of Wednesday, August 26th’s meeting, with Giuseppe Sandrini and Aldo Ottaviani for the presentation of the photographic book Tibet e ritorno (published by Alba Pratalia) and the participation of philosopher Anna Cavarero and the linguist Andrea Rodighiero. On Thursday, August 26th, Toti Domina and Tiziana Cicero will narrate their life on the Etna volcano, with the images of the photographic exhibition Il respiro del gigante, staged in the Sala Olimpica. Parole alte will be closed by Friday, August 27th’s encounter with Giorgio Fornoni and his stories of reporters of the world’s mountains and the images of the film La montagna per me
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