Film Festival Archive

518 films for a total of 17,852 minutes of video: an archive with every film from the 19 editions of the Festival is now at the complete disposition of scholars, researchers, and film buffs. All of the films screened since 1995 to the present may be consulted in the new archive located at the Film Festival's headquarters. This project was completed with the support of the Fondazione Cariverona and the Comunità Montana della Lessinia.
The supports used for these films are widely varied and constitute a veritable museum of video technology. They range from the old ¾ inch to Betacam, VHS, and the more recent Blu-Ray. In addition to being gathered, at times restored, and catalogued, all of the works have been digitized. And so, from the archive's seat it is now possible to consult the entire catalogue, carry out thematic research, and view a particular film. All with just a few clicks.