Waiting for the winners

We are getting close to the final night of the Festival.
Since the jury has not leaked a single indiscretion and the winners are still top secret, we gathered some opinions from the public and the staff in order to try to understand which films are favoured for the top prizes. On first glance, the films that seem to have garnered the most interest in the theatre are Le thé ou l’élecrticité, Jîn and L’ultimo pastore. These film very touching films that moved the viewers. Others remarked on the delicacy of such entries as Histórias que só exsistem quando lembradas, The Hunter or La Sirga. This writer is cheering for the Rumanian film, 24 Buckets, 7 mice, 18 years.
So, to learn the jury's verdict, we will have to wait for the announcement this evening at 6:30 pm