Grownup Dreams

Loden, the protagonist of the first film, wants to become a Lama, but a Lama who is a very good soccer player. Even better would be to become a Lama after a career as a great player! In the end, at this age such passions are more important than studies and even than the festivities in honour of Buddha! “I will become a great director! Then I will be one of your actors! No, no cinema for me, I prefer to study law! Well, for sure I won’t be picking blueberries in the woods, it’s too tiring”! And on and on go the children in the film, “Far from the City”. Despite the thousands of kilometres that separate them, their lives are not all that different, and their dreams are very similar. These were the films today in the section FFDL+, a selection of films for children and teens that give them the chance to discover the lives and worlds of their peers.
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