Shepherds Today

His shoelaces are electrical wires, his socks are handmade, his cup is a sheep’s hoof, and his beard is very long. Celestino Anselmo is one of the few shepherds remaining in the Lessinia. Of course, he no longer has his flock; he is not young, and the work of a shepherd requires great strength. But he stills remembers clearly when he was a child and had to take care that his sheep did not stray to graze in his neighbour’s pasture; if this happened, he was sent to bed without dinner. Marta Pagan Griso showed us the innumerable bureaucratic obstacles facing a small breeder, which often discourage young people who would like to learn this craft. But when she talks about her sheep, her eyes reflect the satisfaction and passion for this work. Today at the Film Festival, talk was of sheep breeding, with the presentation of the book Tracce di antichi pastori in alta Lessinia. As always, we called upon the protagonists to tell us of the joys and difficulties inherent in their life choices.
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