Selo bez zena
Village without women
Francia, Croazia / 2010 / 83 min / Colour
Italian premiere
In southeastern Serbia, at the top of a mountain that is four kilometres from the nearest road, the Jancovic brothers try to hang in there and prevent the disappearance of Zabrdje, a remote village without women. With their neighbour, Velimir, they are the only remaining members of what was once a vital rural community. They live in rough conditions, without running water or roads, and all three share the same bedroom. Their dream is to marry a woman able to handle life in this corner of the mountains, but it seems that the Serbian women want no part of it. Their friend Danko managed to find a splendid wife from Albania. Zoran, the elder brother, decides to follow his example, despite the fierce opposition of his younger brother, Rodoljub. The war in Kosovo is fresh in his memory and the Serbs and Albanians are far from being friends. Will Zoran succeed in fulfilling his dream and give new hope to his little village?
Language Serbian, Albanian Subject Srdjan Sarenac Screenplay Srdjan Sarenac Cinematography Pablo Ferro Zivanovic Editing Ksenija Petricic Music Dejan Pejovic Producer Estelle Robin You Production company Les Films du Balibari