Come si vive in un rifugio
How one lives in a refuge
Italia / 2011 / 30 min / Colour
Italian premiere
In the Conda del Pra, in Val Pellice, the Willy Jervis refuge, dedicated to the partisans of the 5th Division Justice and Liberty, is named for the partisan killed by the Nazi fascists in 1944. The refuge is the departure and arrival point for excursions, as well as a place for meeting, music, and memories. The journalistic reporting of TGR Montagne recounts how one lives up there 365 days a year and how a refuge can become the centre of tourism, excursions, and the cultural and sporting life of an Alpine valley.
Language Italian Subject Battista Gardoncini, Alberto GeddaCinematography Sergio Zenatti, Giancarlo TrabuccoEditing Piero PiquetProducer Alberto MaccariProduction company Testata Giornalistica Regionale della RAI