Francia / 1995 / 91 min / Colour
A tribute to the lives of the explorers Maurice and Katia Krafft, acclaimed volcanologists of worldwide fame: this pair of scientists was united by the desire to advance our understanding of volcanoes and contribute to saving human lives. Yet it was this passion, which led them to explore volcanoes in nearly 150 countries around the globe, that ultimately caused their deaths when they were overwhelmed by a cloud of gas from the Unzen volcano in Japan, in 1991. The documentary traces the explorations of the scientist couple, who were also filmmakers and photographers. With their spectacular images, they bring us within a few metres of the craters of the most important active volcanoes in the world.
Maryse Bergonzat
An author and director, she earned a degree from the Université de Toulouse Le Mirail in advanced audio-visual studies. She has worked as both a producer and host of the transmission, Pyrénées-Pirineos on France 3. With the documentary Maurice et Katia Kraff t. Au rythme de la terre she has won prestigious prizes including the Genziana d’Argento at the Trento Film Festival.
Cinematography Maryse BergonzatProducer SZ productions, La Sept ARTE, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)