Russia / 2014 / 26 min / Colour

Italian premiere

Chechnya, 1944. Two brothers are alone, guarding their flock, amidst the snows of the harsh winter, during the time of Stalin's deportation of the Chechens. They are surprised by the attack of a wolf. They chase after him, delaying the return home. But when they arrive at their village, other fiercer and senselessly cruel “wolves” await them: men.

  • Ruslan Magomadov

    Born in Russia in 1983, he studied art and film in Yekaterinburg and Moscow. At the age of eight, he moved to Chechnya, where with his family he miraculously survived the conflict that broke out in 1994. The war is a frequent theme of his films, including February and Home (2012), awarded prizes at the Kinofest NYC and other festivals.


Language Chechen, Russian Subject Ruslan MagomadovRuslan MagomadovRuslan Magomadov