Into great silence
, , / 2005 / 169 min / Colour
Inside the Grande Chartreuse in Isère, France, time moves slowly, punctuated by the sound of the Gregorian Chant, a song that the monks feel inwardly, immersed in the great silence of the film's title. The life of this small community consists of alternating moments of prayer and manual work in the gardens, the kitchens, and the workshops, all in complete silence, as required by rules of the Carthusian Order. The German filmmaker Philip Grönig has managed, after years of requests, to get permission to film this majestic slice of monastic life and he lived for over six month in the monastery. At the express request oh the monks, the film contains no narration and no artificial lights were used for filming, recreating a unique atmosphere that encourages inner reflection.
Language French Subject Philip GrönigScreenplay Philip GrönigCinematography Philip GrönigMusic Michael Busch, Philip GrönigProducer Philip GrönigProduction company Arte, Bavarian Filmkunst Verleih Bayerischer Rundfunk