Sarah Trevisiol, Matteo Vegetti / Italy / 2014 / 31 min / Colour
Insider or outsider? Who, today, feels a part of the society of South Tyrol, land of mountains and borders, and who on the other hand is excluded? Young children of immigrants, who have grown up or were even born in South Tyrol, tell of their personal challenges in facing the wall of bureaucracy and indiff erence, but also how they have succeeded in making a space for themselves within a society that is, in fact, multiethnic. The diff erence between “citizens” and “foreigners” is lessening, and perhaps no longer has meaning in these times of mobility and exchange that characterize a prosperous area like the South Tyrol.
Sarah Trevisiol
Matteo Vegetti
Language Italian, South Tyrolean Dialect Subject Sarah TrevisiolScreenplay Sarah TrevisiolCinematography Matteo VegettiSound Matteo VegettiEditing Sarah Trevisiol, Matteo VegettiMusic Emmanuelle SigalProducer EVAA - Associazione Antropologica Alto Adige, FranzProductionProduction company EVAA - Associazione Antropologica Alto Adige