Slovacchia / 2013 / 18 min / Colour
A woman is waiting for her lover, but he is far away, searching for the perfect snowflake. Snow recurs in the woman’s dreams, along with memories, torments, hopes, and despair over her man’s absence. In the mountains where he has gone, snow hides and melts dreams. The woman takes off as well, to climb them, following her love. On the peak, in the presence of the perfect snowflake, the betrayal will occur and, perhaps, the inevitableoutcome of this impossible search.
Ivana Sebestova
Born in 1979 in Poprad, Slovakia, she earned a degree in animation from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava where she now teaches. With her debut film, Štyri, she won twelve international prizes. She collaborated with the director Katarína Kerekesová to create the musical Stones, and on the educational film How I Went with Grandpa to Visit the Ancestors.
Language Slovak Subject Ivana SebestovaScreenplay Katarina MolakovaSound Tobias PotocnyEditing Matej BenesMusic LongitalProducer Ivana LaucikovaProduction company Feel Me Film