1030 - HEZARSI
Iman Tahsinzadeh / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / 2012 / 72 min / Colour
Italian premiere
The Bakhtiari tribe is one of the largest in Iran. The people of the “1030” (Hezarsi) tribe belong to this group. We meet its men, women, and children in the days before the annual transhumance. Their gestures are marked by age-old traditions: preparing the animals and the multi-coloured woven carpets, and repairing their mats and tents. Nomadism is perhaps the most atavistic and natural of man’s lifestyles. Here not words, but rather the faces, gestures, colours, and sounds speak to us of the harmonious alliance of man and Earth.
Iman Tahsinzadeh
Born in Teheran in 1983, since childhood Iman Tahsinzadeh has been passionate about art, and devoted himself to music and to sculpture. In 2000 he earned a diploma in cinematography. To date he has made five shorts and a feature-length film, and participated in numerous national and international festivals.
Language Silent Film Subject Iman TahsinzadehScreenplay Iman TahsinzadehCinematography Iman Tahsinzadeh, Arash SadeghianSound Soro NasabadiEditing Iman TahsinzadehMusic Peiman BozorgniaProducer Hamid Reza TaftehProduction company Haurvatat Film