Italia / 2014 / 58 min / Colour
In San Benedetto in Alpe, on the edge of the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, uncontaminated nature dominates the landscape. In these places, rich with the whisperings of nature, the sounds of animals, and birds singing, the life of man is marked by safe, well-established gestures that have been repeated with wisdom for hundreds of years. Voices of the Val Montone are those of nature and of men, and they speak to us of a coexistence that is still possible in a context of harmony and mutual respect. The young couples who choose to live in the mountains and who reinvent ancient trades are the sign of hope.
Massimo Alì Mohammad
Born in Naples in 1983, he earned a degree in Multimedia Languages at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” and then did further studies in foreign languages and literatures at the University of Ferrara, with a thesis on the Czech director and screenwriter Jan Švankmajer.
Language Italian Subject Massimo Ali Mohammad, Franca Missanelli, Valeria Feroli, Rita CapelliCinematography Cistiano Vallieri, Paolo SorianiSound Cistiano Vallieri, Paolo SorianiEditing Massimo Ali MohammadMain cast Nella e GiuseppeProducer Associazione Feedback, Club Alpino ItalianoProduction company Associazione Feedback