Nepal / 2014 / 26 min / Colour
Italian premiere
Balvir’s life is conditioned by fatigue, to the limits of absurdity. He is a poor breeder in Nepal. To earn a living, he carries the meat of his animals to market by way of steep, crooked mountain paths. The backbreaking weight of the meat, placed in huge wicker baskets, bends his back, straining every fi bre of his bony body and draining his energy. Until, one day, his legs give out, the meat rolls down into the ravine, and the incident forces his companion to carry his friend’s load. A film which explores the simplicity and suff ering of life in rural Nepal.
Phurba Tshering Lama
Phurba Tshering Lama is a young director from Darjeeling, India. He studied literature in Darjeeling and directing at the Film and Television Institute of India (Pune). The Beaten Path was entirely self-funded.
Language Nepal Dialect Subject Gupta PradhanScreenplay Phurba Tshering LamaCinematography Ayan SaxenaSound Samant Christopher LakraEditing Dinesh YadavMusic Samant Christopher LakraMain cast Man Bahadur Tamang, Kumar TamangProducer Phurba Tshering LamaProduction company Ferry Tale Pictures