Cuba / 2013 / 12 min / Black and white
Italian premiere
Eduardo Zamora is 78. He is one of the last remaining inhabitants of Almendral, a small, remote village in the Cuban mountains. Solitude and meditation are the salient features of his existence, interrupted only by the sounds of fl owing water, the rustling of trees, and animals. The director takes us to a hypnotic place where dreams and thoughts mix with sensory perceptions, and invites us to let our minds wander far from reality in order to explore the great mysteries of existence and human nature.
Laura Marie Wayne
A Canadian musician, director, and scholar, since completing degrees at Mount Allison University (Canada) and University College in London, she has worked as a video artist at the International School of Film and Television in Havana, Cuba.
Language Spanish Subject Laura Marie WayneScreenplay Laura Marie WayneCinematography Laura Marie WayneSound Agustin Peralta Lemes, Leo DolganEditing Laura Marie WayneMusic Laura Marie WayneMain cast Eduardo ZAmoraProducer Television Serrano, EICTVProduction company Laura Marie Wayne