Italia / 2014 / 37 min / Colour
A film about the memory of Vajont that grew out of the historical and anthropological work of Marco Tonon around the tragedy of 1963. The images tell of the abandoned stones, houses, and stables, but also the concretions of earth created by the landslide and the rivulets of water forced to fi nd new paths. The sounds of the air, the gravel, and the water alternate with some tracks from Spoon River Anthology interpreted by the actors of the company, Se Queris dell’Alpago in the cemetery of Erto Nuova designed by Glauco Gresieri. Dominating the scene, silent and imposing, is the dam, a monstrous masterpiece of technology and death.
Manuele Cecconello
A photographer and director, Costantin was born in 1969 and earned a degree in modern literature from the Università Statale in Turin with a thesis on Andrej Tarkovkij. After collaborating with the Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino, in the 1990s he founded Prospettiva Nevskij. He has directed more than 100 works, frequently chosen for screening at international festivals and events.
Language Italian Subject Manuele Cecconello, Marco TononScreenplay Manuele Cecconello, Marco TononCinematography Manuele Cecconello, Pier Paolo GiaroloSound Manuele CecconelloEditing Manuele CecconelloMusic The drive to Uqbar, Keith RoseMain cast Gruppo teatrale Se QuerisProducer Manuele CecconelloProduction company Prospettiva Nevskij