Die vier Alpen
The four Alps
Jeremy Hogarth / Austria / 2007 / 52 min / Colour
Italian premiere
There are four mountainous regions called the Alps on planet Earth. In addition to the celebrated European Alps, three other mountain ranges carry this name: in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. This documentary compares these four distinct ecosystems and tells the story of how their mountains were formed and how they evolved, over millions and millions of years, and of how climate changes might transform them in the future. Each of the four Alp ranges is unique and rich with animal and plant species whose future depends on the conservation of a wealth of natural resources of inestimable value.
Jeremy Hogarth
Language German, English Screenplay Jeremy Hogarth Cinematography Albert Ausobsky, Terry Carlyon, Michael Dillon, Paul Donovan, Stephen Downes, Wade Fairley, Irmin Kerck, Thomas Kirschner, Lukas Kogler, Rolando Menardi, Campbell Miller, Josef Neuper, David Paer, Georg Riha, Michael Schlamberger, Hans SchoberSound Lukas Kogler Editing Lukas Kogler Music Kurt Adametz Producer Michael Schlamberger Production company ScienceVision Filmproduktions GmbH