Mario Casella, Fulvio Mariani / Switzerland / 2016 / 55 min / Colour
Italian premiere
After crossing the Afghan hinterland, the directors Fulvio Mariani and Mario Casella continue their journey along the ancient Silk Road to rediscover the lesser-known face of the East. With skis on their feet, they travel through the Chinese province of Xinjiang, crossing the border with Kyrgyzstan to climb the Tien Shan, or "Heavenly Mountains". Along the way, the spectator meets with them the inhabitants of these remote lands whose lives reflect the political and economic changes of recent years. While the Chinese settlements bear the signs of the economic boom, the burden left by the Soviet regime is still keenly perceptible in the Kyrgyz villages, even if they are not far away. The final destination of the trip is the imposing Altai mountain system, at the border between China, Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. In these ancient mountains, drawings have recently been found depicting men with skis on their feet, testimony to how, since pre-historic times, they have been the favorite means of moving about in these impervious valleys.
Mario Casella
Mario Casella is an Alpine guide, journalist and writer. Since 1985 he has worked as a producer and documentary filmmaker for the Swiss television RSI as well as on independent productions, often with Fulvio Mariani. At the Film Festival della Lessinia they won the Lessinia D'Oro in 2008 with Grozny Dreaming, the prize from the public and the prize from the jury of inmates in 2012 with Vite tra i vulcani and participated in 2016 with Inverno afghano.
Fulvio Mariani
Born in Chaux-de-Fonds in 1958, he is both a director and producer, and is passionate about Alpinism and photography. Since 1981 he has worked for the RSI, making films with the most world-renowned Alpinists. He often collaborated with Mario Casella. At the Film Festival della Lessinia, the two directors won the Lessinia D'Oro in 2008 with Grozny Dreaming, the prize from the public and prize from the jury of inmates in 2012 with Vite tra i vulcani and participated in 2016 with Inverno afghano.
Subject Fulvio Mariani, Mario CasellaScreenplay Fulvio Mariani, Mario CasellaCinematography Fulvio MarianiEditing Samir SamperisiMusic Nic GyalsonProducer ICEBERG-FilmProduction company ICEBERG-Film