Alessandro Anderloni / Italy / 2005 / 75 min / Colour

Awe-inspiring, harsh, and with only a single entrance, the Spluga della Preta plunges beneath the meadows of the Lessinia Mountains. Explored for the first time in 1925, until 1953 it was considered the deepest abyss in the world. It is the cave most linked to the history of explorative speleology, where dreams, ideals, and deceits have faced off and new techniques have been experimented with. In its amazing wells and narrow fissures, some of the most exciting pages of speleology in the world have been written. The first video documentation of the Black Room, at more than 800 meters below ground level, required two years of filming, thirty descents into the caverns, and the involvement of more than seventy speleologists, and has by now become a classic of films about speleology.

  • Alessandro Anderloni

    Alessandro Anderloni

    After earning a degree in Modern Literature, he devoted his energy to the theatre, as both author and director, writing and staging more than fifty original works. After collaborating with RAI on the programme La storia siamo noi, in 2000 he made his first documentary film, L’abisso, which garnered ten international prizes. He has been the artistic director of the  Film Festival della Lessinia since 1997.


Subject Francesco SauroScreenplay Francesco Sauro, Alessandro AnderloniSound Samuele TezzaEditing Paolo CastellettiMusic Alessandro AnderloniMain cast Sandro Dalle Pezze, Giovanni Ferrarese, Cristiano Zoppello, Fanny Cerato, Marco Baroncini, Attilio Benetti, Aurelio Pavanello, Lorenzo Cargnel, Giordano Canducci, Franco Florio, Edoardo VernierProduction company Accademia della Lessinia e Federazione Speleologica Veneta


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